Monday, June 11, 2007

more of it...

ach ja...und letzte woche dienstag haben wir mal bei mario gesoffen...


hm...da surfe ich heute grade schoen inner studifotze und gucke was so neues an fotos da ist...und was muss ich da sehen ???

dieses bild von mir...caioi-party bei gaede...
und ich kann mich an das foto nicht erinnern...
wenigstens war nicht mehr ausgepackt ;)

p.s. danach bin ich in der sbahn mal wieder elbagustrasse aufgwacht...

well, well, i happenend to surf the new pictures on (you know, OUR facebook) today...
and what did i find ??? this picture (seems to be me, up there, was too lazy to post it again)...
mean party at gaedes place...caipi, caipi and even more of it...
i really can´t recall anybody taking that picture...
at least i didnt get more out ;)

p.s. in the morning after that party i woke up at the final station of my train (about 6 stations too late ;)