Got a little game for you today:
Imagine visiting the proposed capital of glorious Europe...wouldn't you expect a bunch if openminded, nice, helpful and friendly and to some extent clean-ish people?
I bet you would...
Now do the same though-experiment again, but change the bigger part of the citys inhabitants to idiots whose first language is gay French...
And yeah, there goes being openminded, nice, friendly and helpful...
No one speaks any English, people will just run into you on the street if you don't jump out of their way fast enough, oh, and some of them will get really angry and offended if you try to ask something nicely in English..
For example, the guy at the metrostation who is supposed to sell you tickets, because their fucking ticket machines never work, got really pissed off, when we did not understand his French mumbling...the retard did not get that holding two fingers up meant "we want two of your precious tickets!"... I think even cavemen would get that...
Some other nice fact about ticket machines...imagine a main train station in a big capital where the only way to pay for your train tickets at night is some indigenous bank credit card, EC, maestro nothing...oh and imagine a pile of shit lying next to this machine...
E voilà! Welcome to Brussels!
Okay, there were also a few positive things:
- very good fries and fried meatballs
- awesome chocolate
- good electro music and a nice lightshow at the evening on grand places Xmas market (ever seen a church light up with electrotunes before?)
And everyone at the airport was nice and friendly, however I took some closer looks at their name tags...and none their names sounded French...all very flamish!
Let me end my few paragraphs of hate with this:
Get rid of Wallonia! Just give it to France ;) And ban French by law! Then you are welcome to host the European capital ;)
EDIT: Ha, the wallonian Steward was the same from my flight into Brussels, he rembered me and talked to me during the flight...
Maybe some if them are nice and friendly...hard to find, though ;)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Our new bedroom TV arrived yesterday...did some stupid browsing about how to change the channels...and what did I find???
There are ways to make this TV being able to play all kinds of movies via USB, usually only the €250 more expensive one is able to do that...
However, there is a a secret menu, where you can tell my TV that it is that more expensive it thinks exactly that and plays fucking DIVX movies ;)
Tomorrow I will hack!!!!
Our new bedroom TV arrived yesterday...did some stupid browsing about how to change the channels...and what did I find???
There are ways to make this TV being able to play all kinds of movies via USB, usually only the €250 more expensive one is able to do that...
However, there is a a secret menu, where you can tell my TV that it is that more expensive it thinks exactly that and plays fucking DIVX movies ;)
Tomorrow I will hack!!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
ah...the predoc course (basic bioinformatics, thanks ;) is I had a nice day of shopping and meeting people tonight...
Got some Blu-Rays, Games and Books, all cheaper than in germany, yay!
About tonight, we went for food to a nice tapas place, had a 50% off voucher...and had a feast for 14pounds each ;)
Welcome to britain, I like ye still ;)
Later that night we went to michelle for drinks and than my cultural programm started...we went to "the fountain" presumably the pub with the most amount of retard unemployed townspeople in cambridge...wasn't that fancy at first...but then ine guy started harrasing the girl who were with us (one of them being one year younger than my dad...didnt have to feel old, yeah!) touching them on their asses, there might also have been some tit-grabbing...
After some time, joe told the doorman who showed the guy his way out...but it didnt stop there...that dude didnt know when it was they had to pin him to the ground and later call the police, who in the end, arrested him...
so, congrats cant grow a moustache, but you can get someone arrested like magnum p.i. ;) much strong to bed now, tomorrow back to the girlfriend, looking soooo much forward to it!!!
Got some Blu-Rays, Games and Books, all cheaper than in germany, yay!
About tonight, we went for food to a nice tapas place, had a 50% off voucher...and had a feast for 14pounds each ;)
Welcome to britain, I like ye still ;)
Later that night we went to michelle for drinks and than my cultural programm started...we went to "the fountain" presumably the pub with the most amount of retard unemployed townspeople in cambridge...wasn't that fancy at first...but then ine guy started harrasing the girl who were with us (one of them being one year younger than my dad...didnt have to feel old, yeah!) touching them on their asses, there might also have been some tit-grabbing...
After some time, joe told the doorman who showed the guy his way out...but it didnt stop there...that dude didnt know when it was they had to pin him to the ground and later call the police, who in the end, arrested him...
so, congrats cant grow a moustache, but you can get someone arrested like magnum p.i. ;) much strong to bed now, tomorrow back to the girlfriend, looking soooo much forward to it!!!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
...warum geht Karstadt nur pleite...?
J.J. Abrams STAR TREK ist ja endlich auf BLU-Ray raus...und da Timmy den natuerlich dringend braucht, dachte ich mir, ich tue dem Karstadt um die Ecke mal was gutes und kaufe den da (soll angeblich der gleiche Preis wie bei Amazon sein).
Also ab zu Karstadt, runter in die (sehr kleine) Multimediaabteilung und gesucht...nix gefunden...Angestellte fragen..."Moin, ich such den neuen STAR TREK auf Blu-ray"
1. Antwort (Armer kleiner Junge, der an der Kasse steht):
"Hier steht er!"
- ...das is ne DVD...
"Oh, dann fragen sie mal meinen Kollegen da hinten."
2. Antwort (Dicker, schwitzender Mann, von da hinten):
"Den gibts nicht auf BLU-Ray!"
- ...Aeh, doch, bei Amazon, Media Markt, usw. -
"Ne, ich habe im System nachgeguckt, glauben sie mir, das sind nur DVDs."
- ...(irritiert, warum der Mann keinen Plan hat)...Ne ne...das sind BLU-Rays...
"(angepisst, unfreundlich) NEIN, BEI UNS GIBTS DEN NICHT!"
- ...(am Weggehen, aber hoerbar)...die Kollegen von Quelle rufen Sie schon...
...okay, okay...wenn man Leute einstellt, die keine Ahnung von ihrer Abteilung haben, dann wundert einen die pleite auch nix mehr...
Und ich mag es ja ganz besonders, wenn "Verkaeufer" mir weissmachen wollen ich haette keine Ahnung...
Ach ja, der nette Herr wird bald genauso wie diverse Quelle-Mitarbeiter von den ersten schwarz-gelben Steuerverguenstigungen profitieren...
...alles, TREK...bestellen...aber da kaufe ich gleich noch was...fuck your local dealer!
Also ab zu Karstadt, runter in die (sehr kleine) Multimediaabteilung und gesucht...nix gefunden...Angestellte fragen..."Moin, ich such den neuen STAR TREK auf Blu-ray"
1. Antwort (Armer kleiner Junge, der an der Kasse steht):
"Hier steht er!"
- ...das is ne DVD...
"Oh, dann fragen sie mal meinen Kollegen da hinten."
2. Antwort (Dicker, schwitzender Mann, von da hinten):
"Den gibts nicht auf BLU-Ray!"
- ...Aeh, doch, bei Amazon, Media Markt, usw. -
"Ne, ich habe im System nachgeguckt, glauben sie mir, das sind nur DVDs."
- ...(irritiert, warum der Mann keinen Plan hat)...Ne ne...das sind BLU-Rays...
"(angepisst, unfreundlich) NEIN, BEI UNS GIBTS DEN NICHT!"
- ...(am Weggehen, aber hoerbar)...die Kollegen von Quelle rufen Sie schon...
...okay, okay...wenn man Leute einstellt, die keine Ahnung von ihrer Abteilung haben, dann wundert einen die pleite auch nix mehr...
Und ich mag es ja ganz besonders, wenn "Verkaeufer" mir weissmachen wollen ich haette keine Ahnung...
Ach ja, der nette Herr wird bald genauso wie diverse Quelle-Mitarbeiter von den ersten schwarz-gelben Steuerverguenstigungen profitieren...
...alles, TREK...bestellen...aber da kaufe ich gleich noch was...fuck your local dealer!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Muse concert - guests
Just arrived on my seat at the muse concert...I know...sitting at concerts is gay...but fucking convenient...
However, the lady right next to us has white hair and looks like she is around 60... we here on the wrong date or is she???
EDIT: awesome concert!!!
But...the old lady has been there with her son, and seemingly, the son was forced to go there with her, she new every fucking song and was singing along ;)
I want be like her by the time I am 60 (well, not an old lady...)
However, the lady right next to us has white hair and looks like she is around 60... we here on the wrong date or is she???
EDIT: awesome concert!!!
But...the old lady has been there with her son, and seemingly, the son was forced to go there with her, she new every fucking song and was singing along ;)
I want be like her by the time I am 60 (well, not an old lady...)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
...Berliner Tor...U2 um drei Sekunden einen rum stehen nur Schlampen und Assis...dann eine Idee...
Leicht angesoffen stell ich mich an den Kiosk an...vor mir kaufen die Leute Schnapps und Bier...was auch sonst...
Ihr hättet allerdings mal das Gesicht von dem Verkäufer sehen sollen, als ich ihn dann nach ner Tageszeitung von Sonntag gefragt habe...
Leider war es dafür noch etwas zu frueh...also mit'm iPhone rumspielen und dumme Blogeintraege schreiben ;)
Leicht angesoffen stell ich mich an den Kiosk an...vor mir kaufen die Leute Schnapps und Bier...was auch sonst...
Ihr hättet allerdings mal das Gesicht von dem Verkäufer sehen sollen, als ich ihn dann nach ner Tageszeitung von Sonntag gefragt habe...
Leider war es dafür noch etwas zu frueh...also mit'm iPhone rumspielen und dumme Blogeintraege schreiben ;)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
...just to make you jealous...
We booked our holiday for March/April next year.
Destination: New York City and the Bahamas (Grand Bahama island to be precise).
...and hopefully we will meet Jan and Klaas who are sailing around half of the world currently ;)
Destination: New York City and the Bahamas (Grand Bahama island to be precise).
...and hopefully we will meet Jan and Klaas who are sailing around half of the world currently ;)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Trying to teach at EMBL HD..., I will teach some biologists how to use PERL for stupid biology tasks...
I am curious if they will understand anything...
Well, I will try to do that...but things seem to not be working properly here...the computers are not ready, my lecture was postponed for half an hour...and like 5 minutes ago, a chinese guy came into the room and asked in very broken english, whether i might be the person to help him to get a german bank account...
err...yes, i am...send all your money to my account, i will deduct 50% and put the rest on your nice new bank account ;)
The real bank guy was in the next room...poor EMBL HD ppl...they force them to get an account at the Sparkasse...couldn't they get a real bank ;) ?
I am curious if they will understand anything...
Well, I will try to do that...but things seem to not be working properly here...the computers are not ready, my lecture was postponed for half an hour...and like 5 minutes ago, a chinese guy came into the room and asked in very broken english, whether i might be the person to help him to get a german bank account...
err...yes, i am...send all your money to my account, i will deduct 50% and put the rest on your nice new bank account ;)
The real bank guy was in the next room...poor EMBL HD ppl...they force them to get an account at the Sparkasse...couldn't they get a real bank ;) ?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Presents from France
Ahhh...was this a nice PhD retreat in shabby France...little sleep, too much sun and the perfect amount of fun ;)
Sadly, there is something not so perfect I took home with me...seems like those french bastards gave me something inferior to least my system can't work that stuff out...the toilet has become my most favorite place in the last three days...and today the doctor certified me sick for two more days...
let's hope the symbiotic relationship between me and the ceramic bowl has been discontinued until then...
...und noch was fuer die Deutschen...
Bei der ganzen Scheisserei fiel mir auf wie scheisse eigentlich der Werbspruch von diesen komischen bayrischen Moebelhaeusern mit Ottfried Fischer???
- "Die mit dem roten Stuhl" - ???
Sadly, there is something not so perfect I took home with me...seems like those french bastards gave me something inferior to least my system can't work that stuff out...the toilet has become my most favorite place in the last three days...and today the doctor certified me sick for two more days...
let's hope the symbiotic relationship between me and the ceramic bowl has been discontinued until then...
...und noch was fuer die Deutschen...
Bei der ganzen Scheisserei fiel mir auf wie scheisse eigentlich der Werbspruch von diesen komischen bayrischen Moebelhaeusern mit Ottfried Fischer???
- "Die mit dem roten Stuhl" - ???
Thursday, August 27, 2009
...neulich aufm Wertstoffhof...
Heute grade die letzten Reste aus der alten Butze weggeschmissen...war dann so mein 5. Besuch...einer Typen kam gleich auf mich zu, guckt mich und meint "ne, deinen Ausweis brauch ich nicht sehen, du bist ja eh dauernd hier..."
...komisch irgendwie...beim Baecker passiert mir das nicht...aber aufm Wertstoffhof erkennen sie mich wieder...irgendwie strange...heisst aber auch, dass ich scheinbar genug ausgemistet habe ;)
...komisch irgendwie...beim Baecker passiert mir das nicht...aber aufm Wertstoffhof erkennen sie mich wieder...irgendwie strange...heisst aber auch, dass ich scheinbar genug ausgemistet habe ;)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Moving is done, well...soon...
As some of you guys might know, i moved in with my girlfriend recently...
almost all of it is done...well, at least all our stuff is in our new flat...but there is still some furniture missing, hence all our boxes are standing around waiting to be unpacked...
some walls still need to be painted (at least in silkes opinion ;) and shelves, wardrobes and a couch have to be bought...
but we hope in 3-4 weeks it is gonna be done...hopefully ;)
the new hood is now schwenckestrasse 4, next to osterstrasse!
almost all of it is done...well, at least all our stuff is in our new flat...but there is still some furniture missing, hence all our boxes are standing around waiting to be unpacked...
some walls still need to be painted (at least in silkes opinion ;) and shelves, wardrobes and a couch have to be bought...
but we hope in 3-4 weeks it is gonna be done...hopefully ;)
the new hood is now schwenckestrasse 4, next to osterstrasse!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Hamburg, 31.12.2012...der Weltuntergang nimmt seinen Lauf...
Oh, stimmt ja gar nicht, issja erst August 2009, und eigentlich regnet es auch nur wie aus eimern (5000 Liter Eimern)...
War eben sehr witzig, hab Silke zum Meeting Point fuers nach Oldenburg fahren gebracht...und aufm Weg von der Wohnung ins Auto wurde es schlagartig richtig dunkel...
Als wir dann im Auto sassen am Wasser ohne Ende vom Himmel...
Was daran witzig war?
Im Auto war die Mucke auf random...und was lief??? "Die Flut" Von Witt & Heppner :)
Aufm Rueckweg vonner Autobahnauffahrt Bahrenfeld gingen dann nur noch 20-30km/h und Aquaplaning ohne Ende...witzig, aber doch strange...
...grade eben iss nochn Blitz genau hier um die Ecke eingeschlagen...
Oh, stimmt ja gar nicht, issja erst August 2009, und eigentlich regnet es auch nur wie aus eimern (5000 Liter Eimern)...
War eben sehr witzig, hab Silke zum Meeting Point fuers nach Oldenburg fahren gebracht...und aufm Weg von der Wohnung ins Auto wurde es schlagartig richtig dunkel...
Als wir dann im Auto sassen am Wasser ohne Ende vom Himmel...
Was daran witzig war?
Im Auto war die Mucke auf random...und was lief??? "Die Flut" Von Witt & Heppner :)
Aufm Rueckweg vonner Autobahnauffahrt Bahrenfeld gingen dann nur noch 20-30km/h und Aquaplaning ohne Ende...witzig, aber doch strange...
...grade eben iss nochn Blitz genau hier um die Ecke eingeschlagen...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Der PARTEI-Film - 05.08. im Millerntorstadion
Pflichttermin am 05.08!!! Der Film ueber die PARTEI (Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative), in der ich stolzes Mitglied bin und sogar das PARTEI-Buch immer neben meinem Bett liegen habe, feiert am Millerntor Weltpremiere!!!
Pflichttermin am 05.08!!! Der Film ueber die PARTEI (Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative), in der ich stolzes Mitglied bin und sogar das PARTEI-Buch immer neben meinem Bett liegen habe, feiert am Millerntor Weltpremiere!!!

Kommt alle mit und guckt diesen grossen Film mit mir ;)
Vorstellung ist am Mittwoch den 05.08. (in einer Woche) um 21:30 im Millerntorstadion im Hamburg.
Mehr Infos:
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Finally after fucking 8 weeks of searching we got a nice cozy, little flat!!!
The new adress is gonna be Schwenckestrasse No. 4 in awesome Hamburg Eimsbuettel!!!
63square meters, 3 rooms, new kitchen, new bathroom, 2 great balconies !!!
And we made it out of 800 applicants ;)
I am awaiting congratulations ;)
The new adress is gonna be Schwenckestrasse No. 4 in awesome Hamburg Eimsbuettel!!!
63square meters, 3 rooms, new kitchen, new bathroom, 2 great balconies !!!
And we made it out of 800 applicants ;)
I am awaiting congratulations ;)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
stockholm fun
I am at the 3d-structures satellite meeting of the international bioinformatics conference right now...
not that interesting for the most of you I think...the interesting part is that I am in stockholm...
as the clichees tell us, swedish girls dress strangely (at least in summer, and we got around 27degrees right now)...they wear always either very short hotpants, or even shorter skirts (for germans, belts...)...
right now i am sitting in my hotel room (pretty drunk) with the window open...and right around the corner there is a disco...
the swedisch girls (with those short skirts) are singing wind of change...
if this wind comes from below, they got a big problem ;)
not that interesting for the most of you I think...the interesting part is that I am in stockholm...
as the clichees tell us, swedish girls dress strangely (at least in summer, and we got around 27degrees right now)...they wear always either very short hotpants, or even shorter skirts (for germans, belts...)...
right now i am sitting in my hotel room (pretty drunk) with the window open...and right around the corner there is a disco...
the swedisch girls (with those short skirts) are singing wind of change...
if this wind comes from below, they got a big problem ;)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Back to civilisation...
I really don't know why...but coming back to hamburg from strange areas like southern Germany always makes me feel very sentimental... It's just better here ;)
Oh, and about the civilisation, I heard a very weird conversation on the toilet in Frankfurt while trying to get rid of the apfelwein again:
There where like three bachelors parties going on in that place...of the bad kind...with villageidiots having printed shirts for each other and annoying the bystanders by trying to sell them some of the guy with the worst, really almost not understandable, accent was saying:
" you know, the German language dies...way to many English words and stuff..."
...and then it came...
"people like me speaking perfect understandable German are dying out" (!!!!????!!!!)
Oh, and about the civilisation, I heard a very weird conversation on the toilet in Frankfurt while trying to get rid of the apfelwein again:
There where like three bachelors parties going on in that place...of the bad kind...with villageidiots having printed shirts for each other and annoying the bystanders by trying to sell them some of the guy with the worst, really almost not understandable, accent was saying:
" you know, the German language dies...way to many English words and stuff..."
...and then it came...
"people like me speaking perfect understandable German are dying out" (!!!!????!!!!)
Frankfurt is a beauty...
This is like the most ugly city ever!
Imagine taking the worst parts of Berlin an Hamburg, merge them, add a few skyscrapers and voilà puke once you leave the hotel!
...more on Labday and Frankfurt later...
This is like the most ugly city ever!
Imagine taking the worst parts of Berlin an Hamburg, merge them, add a few skyscrapers and voilà puke once you leave the hotel!
...more on Labday and Frankfurt later...
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Bauer sucht Frau in Bayern...
Silke ist grade in Bayern und hat versucht auf ein Bauer sucht Frau special zu gucken...
Das hier zeigt die Seite in Bayern an :) :
Das Video kann in Bayern nicht angesehen werden (andres Land???), wie in China...
Oder gibt es etwa in Bayern zu viele Bauern und das Special waere fuer die CSU zu beleidigend ;) ??
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Danke fuer den guten Start, O2... der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag sollte meine vorlaeufige O2 Nummer (hab grade den Vertrag gewchselt...Eplus -> O2) geloescht werden und meine alte Nummer afgeschaltet werden...
O2 hats wahnsinnigerweise sogar geschafft die vorlaeufige zu deaktivieren...leider habe ich meine alte Nummer immer noch nicht wieder...
Seit 60h kein Mobiltelefon....super super...
Ich hoffe fuer O2 dass das nicht so weitergeht...
O2 hats wahnsinnigerweise sogar geschafft die vorlaeufige zu deaktivieren...leider habe ich meine alte Nummer immer noch nicht wieder...
Seit 60h kein Mobiltelefon....super super...
Ich hoffe fuer O2 dass das nicht so weitergeht...
Friday, May 29, 2009
Bye Bye ihr Ficker an der neuen Flora... ;)
Es ist soweit, die Wohnung am Holstenplatz ist gekuendigt!!!
Wenn jetzt jemand ne schoene 3-Zimmer Altbau-Wohnung am start hat oder mein Nachmieter werden moechte, sagt mir Bescheid...
Wenn jetzt jemand ne schoene 3-Zimmer Altbau-Wohnung am start hat oder mein Nachmieter werden moechte, sagt mir Bescheid...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Another Step...
...completely forgot to mention that my first TAC meeting was last Friday...for all normal people (e.g. non-EMBLists) TAC means Thesis Advisory Comittee; 4-5 very important people who meet 3 times during the PhD to assess the stuff I am doing.
After 4 weeks of hard work, trying to get results out of the strange pile of ideas in my head...I even managed to put a real talk together, which worked out quite well ;)
So, as it seems, the road to the PhD is getting shorter and shorter....
After 4 weeks of hard work, trying to get results out of the strange pile of ideas in my head...I even managed to put a real talk together, which worked out quite well ;)
So, as it seems, the road to the PhD is getting shorter and shorter....
Monday, May 11, 2009
I just came back from the cinema watching the new STAR TREK movie.
I exactly felt like the little 14yr old boy in 1996, when I left the cinema where I watched the last awesome Trek movie - FIRST CONTACT.
And this movie might even be better, I need to watch it more often!!!
...and Karl Urbans McCoy was really the best, Peggs Scotty comes close ;)
I exactly felt like the little 14yr old boy in 1996, when I left the cinema where I watched the last awesome Trek movie - FIRST CONTACT.
And this movie might even be better, I need to watch it more often!!!
...and Karl Urbans McCoy was really the best, Peggs Scotty comes close ;)
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Last Feasts in Berkeley ;)
before all this air france shit came down on me, i had two last nice days in berkeley ;)
we drank nice tequilla (patron, very good, you dont even need lemons) and had awesome steaks!!! 4lb (pounds) for $11.75!!!
In germany, this would have been 4-5 times the price
This was my steak, I got the biggest one ;)
Hm...medium rare!!!
...and this is us after the bottle of patron...look at axels face...
Next morning we had the steak leftovers (from Axel and Lina, I didnt leave anything ;), bacon, tomatoes and eggs for breakfast, on the roof ;)
Bacon, Steak and Tomato
Monday, March 16, 2009
Fuck paris, fuck Charles de Gaulle and rape Air france!!!
Yesterday, I made my way back from the states...until now I can just say one thing: never, ever if avoidable fly air France!!! In comparison to klm it was complete shut... Extremely little space, even for my small legs, bad food, ridicously small screens(like 4") and annoying French announcements...<br>
oh, and you're even more lucky if a frenchman sits next to you...they're impolite: mine asked me if he could sit at the window...fuck! I get my seat in advance on purpose!!! And don't think they're gonna share the middle armrest... Oh, btw my Frenchman also couldn't speak proper English (grande nation, my ass!) and he smelled really bad, even before takeoff!
The Paris airport is even worse... I think walked like a mile to get to my connecting flight...and people speaking that gaytarded language everywhere!!!
If the next flight attendant also starts speaking to me in French, I'll plan the next war!
P.S. the flight was also really well climatized...I have a fucking cold now!
oh, and you're even more lucky if a frenchman sits next to you...they're impolite: mine asked me if he could sit at the window...fuck! I get my seat in advance on purpose!!! And don't think they're gonna share the middle armrest... Oh, btw my Frenchman also couldn't speak proper English (grande nation, my ass!) and he smelled really bad, even before takeoff!
The Paris airport is even worse... I think walked like a mile to get to my connecting flight...and people speaking that gaytarded language everywhere!!!
If the next flight attendant also starts speaking to me in French, I'll plan the next war!
P.S. the flight was also really well climatized...I have a fucking cold now!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Ze German Pest
Bah, kann ja wohl echt nicht wahr sein... Da geht man ohne was böses zu ahnen durch den Golden Gate Park an zwei Rentnern vorbei...sie im Pelzmantel schoen mit Zwergpudel und er mit basecap...
Und was sagt die benerzte da? - ja, die Champions league Spiele sind jetzt ja vorbei, oder? Er - ja, glaube schon...
Und was sagt die benerzte da? - ja, die Champions league Spiele sind jetzt ja vorbei, oder? Er - ja, glaube schon...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Buying beer at Safeways
Yesterday we bought beer at safeways...this again shows the weirdo-factor of this country...
I am already used to showing my ID every time I buy shallow beer (haven't done this at home for like 10, 11 yrs now ;)
But yesterday it got even weirder...they told me that in the future safeways is not gonna accept foreign IDs anymore...
Hey, my german ID is like 10 times more unforgeable than american ones...with holograms and all that awesome european shit...and everything is even written there in english !!!
Retarded, just retarded...only the great american IDs are good, everything else is shit...
I am already used to showing my ID every time I buy shallow beer (haven't done this at home for like 10, 11 yrs now ;)
But yesterday it got even weirder...they told me that in the future safeways is not gonna accept foreign IDs anymore...
Hey, my german ID is like 10 times more unforgeable than american ones...with holograms and all that awesome european shit...and everything is even written there in english !!!
Retarded, just retarded...only the great american IDs are good, everything else is shit...
Narnia in Piss
Something I wanted to write for quite some time...when I flew here I watched the new Narnia movie on the plane...
There is something quite funny about it...when the retarded children come back to Narnia the filming location is Cathedral Cove on the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand...
A place where Ax, Simon, Scott and me swam out to the first big rock an pissed into the water (looking at the endless pacific ocean in front of us)...
So you can say, the beginning of the new Narnia movie was filmed in our piss ;)
P.S. the film is complete crap otherwise...
P.P.S. going to "the city" now to look at nice hippie areas ;)
There is something quite funny about it...when the retarded children come back to Narnia the filming location is Cathedral Cove on the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand...
A place where Ax, Simon, Scott and me swam out to the first big rock an pissed into the water (looking at the endless pacific ocean in front of us)...
So you can say, the beginning of the new Narnia movie was filmed in our piss ;)
P.S. the film is complete crap otherwise...
P.P.S. going to "the city" now to look at nice hippie areas ;)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
2009 - 03 - 10 - Pendulum Concert in San Francisco!!!
The concert was awesome!!! Many different kinds of people, who all had a very good time (sorry for the shitty pics btw, only had my iphone on me)
The people (and band) went totally crazy when they were playing SLAM, if you dont know it, youtube is your friend, you should check it out ;)
After the concert was finished (they played almost everything from the two albums as well as other things, like their awesome remix of prodigys voodoo people, my favorite!) we went to a diner to replenish our power ;) I went for an awesome burger, 12 oz., almost 350g of meat!!!
So I also got my real american diner experience now...
So I also got my real american diner experience now...
2009 - 03 - 06,07,08 - Road Trippin' - Alameda, San Francisco, Point Reyes, Pacifica
Our road trip started quite cool, we visited the Nimitz air field in Alameda, full of awesome plane carriers and ohter ships ;)
Sunday, March 08, 2009
2009 - 03 - 05 Josh Blue at UC Berkeley
On my 2nd day in Berkeley, we went to a comedian named josh blue...
Awesomely funny guy! Always making fun of gays and cripples...well he is partially allowed to since he is "special" himself...he has cerebral palsy, which for all you uneducated people means he is a spastic ;)
Nevertheless, awesome show, very funny guy!
Check him out on YouTube!!!
P.s. Since the show was on the UC Berkeley campus, the gig was full of children...19, 20yr olds ;)
Awesomely funny guy! Always making fun of gays and cripples...well he is partially allowed to since he is "special" himself...he has cerebral palsy, which for all you uneducated people means he is a spastic ;)
Nevertheless, awesome show, very funny guy!
Check him out on YouTube!!!
P.s. Since the show was on the UC Berkeley campus, the gig was full of children...19, 20yr olds ;)
just on short notice...
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Next escape...
Yeah, i am finally away from germany again ;)
right now i am sitting in the bed in axels room in berkeley, ca in the united states! 11:30 already, we should start doing something soon...
i arrived yesterday around 1pm at san francisco airport..getting into the states is really much easier than i though, or everyone told me...besides standing in line it took me around 3 minutes ;)
and really...everything here is totally clichelike and much bigger than in buildings, cars, people (big meaning fat ;) oh and the squirrels are twice as big as in germany...which is slightly weird ;)
okay, time to start the day, which would likely mean running through berkeley for me...
p.s. flying to the states in comparison to new zealand is a joke, an 11h flight...ts ts ts...oh, and flying over the arctic rocks big time!!!
right now i am sitting in the bed in axels room in berkeley, ca in the united states! 11:30 already, we should start doing something soon...
i arrived yesterday around 1pm at san francisco airport..getting into the states is really much easier than i though, or everyone told me...besides standing in line it took me around 3 minutes ;)
and really...everything here is totally clichelike and much bigger than in buildings, cars, people (big meaning fat ;) oh and the squirrels are twice as big as in germany...which is slightly weird ;)
okay, time to start the day, which would likely mean running through berkeley for me...
p.s. flying to the states in comparison to new zealand is a joke, an 11h flight...ts ts ts...oh, and flying over the arctic rocks big time!!!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Concert weekend - between the two best cities in Germany
Been watching gigs of bloc party and kings of leon 10 days ago...
Bloc party is awesome live!!! Period!
Kings of leon were kinda...strange...the singer didn't interact with the audience at all...and the audience itself was also very...female and weird...they went totally crazy dancing at the slowest songs...
However, Berlin was nice...awesome currywurst at 1pm and cheap beer everywhere...
Even the house I lived in in east Berlin does still exist;)
But this weekend, kele won against caleb...BIG TIME!
Bloc party is awesome live!!! Period!
Kings of leon were kinda...strange...the singer didn't interact with the audience at all...and the audience itself was also very...female and weird...they went totally crazy dancing at the slowest songs...
However, Berlin was nice...awesome currywurst at 1pm and cheap beer everywhere...
Even the house I lived in in east Berlin does still exist;)
But this weekend, kele won against caleb...BIG TIME!
Friday, February 06, 2009
I don't get people...
...who always sit right next to other people on the bus or train...even if the rest of the train is almost empty and has shitoads of free private spaces...
Why are they doing that? Didn't they get enough love and cuddling when they were little?
Or do they just not want to ride backwards?
However, having a nice bagback on the seat next to you always helps...
If not I can always play out good old tourettes syndrom ;)
Why are they doing that? Didn't they get enough love and cuddling when they were little?
Or do they just not want to ride backwards?
However, having a nice bagback on the seat next to you always helps...
If not I can always play out good old tourettes syndrom ;)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Too much white shit...
I took this pic last week... It snows too much around here...way too much...
Last Friday I almost missed my train cuz buses just stopped working for half an hour...
Tuesday it got even more creepy... There were like 5cm of really thick snow on my car... Hard to get rid of it...
And it only snowed here where I live... At work there was nothing, which is like 5km away...
I hate snow!
Well, enough boring snow stories... Gottago on being sick ;)
Thursday, January 08, 2009
The bigass TV has landed!!!
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