Got a little game for you today:
Imagine visiting the proposed capital of glorious Europe...wouldn't you expect a bunch if openminded, nice, helpful and friendly and to some extent clean-ish people?
I bet you would...
Now do the same though-experiment again, but change the bigger part of the citys inhabitants to idiots whose first language is gay French...
And yeah, there goes being openminded, nice, friendly and helpful...
No one speaks any English, people will just run into you on the street if you don't jump out of their way fast enough, oh, and some of them will get really angry and offended if you try to ask something nicely in English..
For example, the guy at the metrostation who is supposed to sell you tickets, because their fucking ticket machines never work, got really pissed off, when we did not understand his French mumbling...the retard did not get that holding two fingers up meant "we want two of your precious tickets!"... I think even cavemen would get that...
Some other nice fact about ticket machines...imagine a main train station in a big capital where the only way to pay for your train tickets at night is some indigenous bank credit card, EC, maestro nothing...oh and imagine a pile of shit lying next to this machine...
E voilĂ ! Welcome to Brussels!
Okay, there were also a few positive things:
- very good fries and fried meatballs
- awesome chocolate
- good electro music and a nice lightshow at the evening on grand places Xmas market (ever seen a church light up with electrotunes before?)
And everyone at the airport was nice and friendly, however I took some closer looks at their name tags...and none their names sounded French...all very flamish!
Let me end my few paragraphs of hate with this:
Get rid of Wallonia! Just give it to France ;) And ban French by law! Then you are welcome to host the European capital ;)
EDIT: Ha, the wallonian Steward was the same from my flight into Brussels, he rembered me and talked to me during the flight...
Maybe some if them are nice and friendly...hard to find, though ;)