Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Noble Gesten

Schön wenn man aufwacht und denkt die Blessuren von gestern kommen daher, dass man seine weiblichen Freundinnen vor nem ASSI verteidigen wollte...und dann erzählt bekommt dass der Typ das iPhone als scheisse bezeichnet hat und man ihm dann freundlich erklärt hat, dass er ein sehr kleines primäres Geschlechtsmerkmal hat ;)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Mallorca recap

Yeah, yeah, I know...I promised to write something about Magaluf for quite some time...here you go:

It started all pretty nice, Silke and me went for a couples-holiday in the southeast of Mallorca. We found a cheap rate for a very nice 4-star hotel in Ses Sallines (C'an Bonico). All very fancy, less that 25 rooms, a nice big and cozy bed, free (and good) internet and always an empty pool. Nice days at the surrounding beaches, sun, and tasty dinners in all the villages. We visited Palma for one day...and yeah...didn't like the city...too many Germans. However, we did all this because I had the Predoc retreat in Magaluf, so after 4 days we packed our bags checked out Mallorcas big outlet and finally returned our rental car at the airport and enjoyed the zoo (or aiport) for a few hours. Then I started my trip to Magaluf...

Magaluf is to British chavs what El Arenal is to German Assis. This was already apparent by the time I arrived at my first hotel (just for the 1st night). Almost everyone in the lobby was the pure definition of "Chav"...or worse...Next funny thing - together with my room key (to get it I had to leave my passport...) I was handed a price list for destruction...literally, this was a list which had prices for destroying items in the room...destroy the wardrobe - €500,-...destroy the TV €200,-...throw something from the balcony just €100,-...cheap, cheap, cheap!!!

a few impressions ;)

Joe made it to Magaluf at around 11:30pm, to properly greet him I already bought a few beers and a small bottle of Morgans spiced.It went pretty much downhill from there on. After finishing the beer and the Morgans spiced we went back to the "strip"...just to give you an impression...if you ever thought the Reeperbahn was a shitty place full of retards, go to the "strip" in Magaluf and you will compare the Reeperbahn to an eloquent meeting place full of people having highly intelligent conversations. In Magaluf you went out at like 8pm, the first people are puking in the street...and the amount of puking in the streets rises gradually...at some point in the night almost half of the people are vomiting their guts out...and some are even fucking while doing that.
But back to the story...we were amazed by the cheap prices...a Pint of beer for €1 or €1,50...and all the longdrinks in Pint glasses - nothing smaller (drink all the pints!!!). The most "expensive" drink was a pint of Vodka/RedBull. Take a Pint-glass, pour in a can of RedBull (0.25l) add some ice cubes and fill up with Vodka...make the calculation...€5,-. Invigorated by this drink of the devil we danced the night away, got rid of our shirts in between, Joe found a new friend in the toiletboy (and gave him a lot of tip), someone stole liquor from the bar...and we all drank it...and I enjoyed the drum'n'bass music (which sadly seems to be the music of le chav in the UK). At like 4pm...or 5pm...or 6pm...whatever...Joe and me decided to leave the bar and go back to the hotel...after maybe 15m we were dragged into the next bar - Absinthe and a Pint of longdrink for €5,-...yeaaaaah!!!! After this drink we finally made it home...well...after wrestling through a bunch of african and british whores (real whores, the kind that takes money for whatever). But we made it to the hotel...had another beer...and I blacked out...

The next morning...where am I...who am I...what am I? Getting up...toilet...the whole bedroom was flooded (and crumpler bags are really waterproof)...clothes lying around everywhere...everything was lying around...well besides Joes phone...that was gone...and we never found it again...Magaluf had it ;) We even made it out of the hotel at the check-out time and slowly went to our "conference" hotel...yeah...they have something like this in Magaluf...gladly, we could check in at 11:30, went to our room and slept the hangover off ;)
In the afternoon we had breakfast, met some people, went to the pool...but I couldn't stomach more than a liter of Sangria that night (laaaaaaame).

On Saturday I gave a very, very good talk, everyone loved the otter and the twins...well...almost...but you can't make everyone happy. That night we went for Karaoke...Scooter's "Back in the UK" is my new Karaoke favorite! There was also this old, wrinkly dude named Randy who sang "My way" like 3 times...I think the DJ was quite happy when we left (I did like 5 or 6 songs...can't remember). We almost went to BCM Planet Dance...but decided €15,- is too much for 1hour of free bar and just went swimming at 4pm and shared one last beer in the hotel. No blackout though! Wooohoooo!

Here is a nice Youtube video about Magaluf...It is like Disneyland - a seriously FUCKED up Disneyland!

Karaoke! ...sorry Serena...

On Sunday Joe and me left Magaluf for the All-inclusive hotel we had rented for the last two days...just to chill, drink a little and lay low. Well...we expected this hotel to be of mixed nationalities and maybe even some normal people...
We thought wrong.

The "Animation" ...and the crowded bar...

The hotel was full of all the people who couldn't afford Magaluf, or already had more than 2 children at 20 (teenage pregnancy - wohoooo). But we made the best of it and saw it as a visit to the zoo or circus (or Jeremy Kyle/Wife Swap/Supernanny live...)...they had strict rules as well, such as "Don't let you baby into the pool if it is wearing diapers / has diarrhea"...just look at the following pictures...


Another funny thing...the hotel was full of children...awake at 1am...the chidlrens movie each night started at 9pm...(so Mummy and Daddy can get drunk and fight)...funniest part...there were no school holidays in Britian at that time ;) Joe's comment: "I don't get it...my parents where never rich either...but I never had to go to a place like this".
Ah yeah...on Monday we got shitfaced again...after getting 16 Rum/Coke at 23:55 (4 per person...twice) we went to some club close to the hotel with some irish people (one just out of jail) we met...and blacked out again ;)

Tuesday - back to Palma, comic book store (all spanish...FFFFUUUUUU)...and some fun at the airport (German Assis and British Chavs together ;)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hitlers beard back in fashion Germany?

Lol, I just got into DESY and passed a physicist who was on his way to lunch...that guy sported a perfectly shaven hitler beard!!! It this back in fashion now? Celebrating 70yrs of whatever? Sadly, was on my bike and could not get what language he was speaking...probably a Brit getting ready for Halloween ;)

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Death of the iNventor

Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011.

After many, many signs it finally happened. Taking extended medical leave, stepping down as Apple's CEO and absolutely no appearance during the iPhone 4S presentation two days ago, not even some kind of video message. Let's hope Apple can keep going on like it did for the last 10 years without Steve now.

It might sound cheesy but try to grasp how big his fucking legacy to the world (or mankind) is. How many people found out about his death on a device he invented? Well, I did. Can there be a much better way to go out?

Sent from my MacBookPro

P.S. Yes, I am a nerd and I really love Apple ;)
P.P.S. there might be a good time to buy Apple stocks soon...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mallorca / 2011

- from a nice couples holiday to getting completely shitfaced over a retreat to a broliday -

Hello my dear blog (and whoever reads this shit), again long time no see...I was lazy...I know...However, what I experienced in the last few days, really needs to be written down ;) So, over the next few days I will try to put down as much as possible, chronically. Just a hint, if you were ever fed up with the retardedness of the Reeperbahn -> go to Magaluf, Mallorca for a few days...you'll love the Kiez again afterwards ;)

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Blogger aufm iPhone...

Na endlich...endlich mal ne Blogger app fürs iPhone...dann schreibe ich vielleicht mal endlich wieder was hier rein ;)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

subkulturelle freunde

ich bin gerade verschwitzt mit tasche und rucksack in die bahn zum flughafen gestiegen...die war natuerlich proppevoll...also musste ich stehen.
auf halber strecke zur naechsten station tickt mich der einzige andere offensichtlich taettowierte typ in bahn an und fragt ob ich seinen platz haben moechte ;) es standen noch ca. 20 leute um mich rum...aber denen wollte er den platz offensichlich nicht anbieten...
schoen dass subkulturen so nett zusammenhalten ;)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Timmy...irgendwo in Illinois

war lange zu ruhig hier...zeit wieder was zu schreiben...
ich sitze gerade im zug von burlington, iowa nach chicago...und fahre durch die einoede...
was macht man in iowa werdet ihr nun fragen...? naja, ich habe talks und tutorials auf nem workshop in chicago gegeben...und da chicago nah an iowa ist, habe ich dann auch mal endlich familie seifert besucht und drei tage in einer amerikanischen kleinstadt verbracht ;)
bald mehr dazu...schreiben aufm kindle ist zwar umsonst, aber doch schon etwas nervig...
ploetzlich stehen 5 mormonen unter 20 neben mir im zug...das ist fast wie im museum oder eher noch zoo hier ;) ach ja, waaaaaaaaaahnsinnig viel platz hier! wie erste klasse fliegen!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Fruehling, Winter, Sommer

Letzte Woche Donnerstag musste ich mal spontan nach Schweden um Zusammenarbeiten anzuleiern. Mittwoch schon gefreut:"Ui, toll - in Hamburg wird's langsam warm und in Uppsala sind -2º...".
Donnerstag waren wir dann da - und es hat tatsaechlich geschneit!!! Schnee Ende Maerz!!! Bah!
Samstag in Hamburg dann 22º, zuviele verschiedene Temperaturen ;)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Griechischer Baccardi...

Griechen scheinen besonderen Baccardi auszuschenken... Nach 6 Glaesern ist man so besoffen wie nach ner halben Flasche... und das Ganze fuer €2,80 (pro Glas) !!!
(Ja, ich werbe hiermit fuer Corfu, Hellkamp 43 - habe auch gute Gyros und Ouzo-Vitamine, nur immer voll da).
Heute morgen war mir irgendwie komisch...und das mitten in der Woche - ts, ts, ts...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tipps fuer den alkoholisierten Tages(Nacht)gebrauch

Wenn ihr besoffen seid...und gerade voll keinen Bock habt dauernd selber euren Ausweis / Fuehrerschein / Studentenausweis / WTF vorzuzeigen und ihr ihn eurem Freund / Freundin / Lebenspartner(in) / Sklaven / Papa / Mama / Hund / Katze / Döner / Whatever zusteckt...
Schreibt euch ne Erinnerung / Email / Notiz oder was auch immer ins Telefon oder klebt euch nen Post-it auf die Stirn - kann manchmal total helfen. Ehrlich!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

England im Januar...

Ich war mal wieder in England...und es gab wieder viele offensichtliche Englaender zu sehen...Ich lade euch hiermit alle herzlich ein, an meinen (nicht PC) Eindruecken teilzuhaben:

So ueberhaupt mal is es immer wieder erstaunlich wie wahr doch das komoediantische Kleinod "Der Englaender" von Dietmar Wischmeyer ist. Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen eine Pubtour in einer englischen Kleinstadt wie Cambridge zu machen, vorzugsweise nach 01:00Uhr nachts (aber auch nicht viel spaeter, denn es macht ja ALLES um spaetestens um 3 zu!)...Ihr werdet da alle englischen Klischees antreffen, die ihr euch vorstellen koennt.
Lustige Oi-Punks, viele dickliche, nuttig-angezogene Tussen, besoffene Typen, die sich gerne mal aufs Maul hauen oder Frauen antatschen...aber eben auch ne Menge sutsche Leute...der englische Pub an sich ist der Grossen Freiheit am Wochenende mit Sicherheit vorzuziehen. Ein schoenes Land, wenn auch leicht angeranzt ;)
Aber angeranzt laesst sich mit Captain/Coke Mischen fuer ca. €3,- gut ueberstehen. Das schoenste war, dass ich da nichtmal doof angeguckt wurde, wenn ich die Mische mit Coke light/Zero haben wollte...ihr werde ich immer belaechelt ;)

Schlimm ist allerdings das man nach 5 Tagen in England schon wieder einen wahnsinnigen Jieper nach Broetchen hat. Brot, das nicht weich ist (Knusperbrot also) ist in England eine akute Mangelware (und nichtmal als Bueckware zu bekommen). Immer noch...kann nicht mal jemand ein bisschen Brotkultur da einfuehren (egal wo...)?

Natuerlich hat mich das Wetter auch wieder angeschissen...am Samstag war zum ersten Mal seit einem Monat in Cambridge kaelter als in Hamburg...am ARSCH! Hoffen wir mal, dass das Wetter in Basel Ende Januar ansprechender ist...waere peinlich, wenn ich mich da die ganze Woche im (englischsprachigen) Kino verkrieche ;)