Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mallorca / 2011

- from a nice couples holiday to getting completely shitfaced over a retreat to a broliday -

Hello my dear blog (and whoever reads this shit), again long time no see...I was lazy...I know...However, what I experienced in the last few days, really needs to be written down ;) So, over the next few days I will try to put down as much as possible, chronically. Just a hint, if you were ever fed up with the retardedness of the Reeperbahn -> go to Magaluf, Mallorca for a few'll love the Kiez again afterwards ;)

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Blogger aufm iPhone...

Na endlich...endlich mal ne Blogger app fürs iPhone...dann schreibe ich vielleicht mal endlich wieder was hier rein ;)