Monday, March 23, 2009

Last Feasts in Berkeley ;)

before all this air france shit came down on me, i had two last nice days in berkeley ;)
we drank nice tequilla (patron, very good, you dont even need lemons) and had awesome steaks!!! 4lb (pounds) for $11.75!!!

In germany, this would have been 4-5 times the price

This was my steak, I got the biggest one ;)

Hm...medium rare!!!

...and this is us after the bottle of patron...look at axels face...

Next morning we had the steak leftovers (from Axel and Lina, I didnt leave anything ;), bacon, tomatoes and eggs for breakfast, on the roof ;)

Bacon, Steak and Tomato

... in front of Berkeley and the Golden Gate Bridge ;)

ah...and lets not forget the mutant fox squirrels ;) The beasts get around 50cm long...without tail!!! BTW...this picture was number 666 on my camera...coincidence?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fuck paris, fuck Charles de Gaulle and rape Air france!!!

Yesterday, I made my way back from the states...until now I can just say one thing: never, ever if avoidable fly air France!!! In comparison to klm it was complete shut... Extremely little space, even for my small legs, bad food, ridicously small screens(like 4") and annoying French announcements...<br>
oh, and you're even more lucky if a frenchman sits next to you...they're impolite: mine asked me if he could sit at the window...fuck! I get my seat in advance on purpose!!! And don't think they're gonna share the middle armrest... Oh, btw my Frenchman also couldn't speak proper English (grande nation, my ass!) and he smelled really bad, even before takeoff!
The Paris airport is even worse... I think walked like a mile to get to my connecting flight...and people speaking that gaytarded language everywhere!!!

If the next flight attendant also starts speaking to me in French, I'll plan the next war!

P.S. the flight was also really well climatized...I have a fucking cold now!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ze German Pest

Bah, kann ja wohl echt nicht wahr sein... Da geht man ohne was böses zu ahnen durch den Golden Gate Park an zwei Rentnern vorbei...sie im Pelzmantel schoen mit Zwergpudel und er mit basecap...

Und was sagt die benerzte da? - ja, die Champions league Spiele sind jetzt ja vorbei, oder? Er - ja, glaube schon...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Buying beer at Safeways

Yesterday we bought beer at safeways...this again shows the weirdo-factor of this country...
I am already used to showing my ID every time I buy shallow beer (haven't done this at home for like 10, 11 yrs now ;)
But yesterday it got even weirder...they told me that in the future safeways is not gonna accept foreign IDs anymore...
Hey, my german ID is like 10 times more unforgeable than american ones...with holograms and all that awesome european shit...and everything is even written there in english !!!

Retarded, just retarded...only the great american IDs are good, everything else is shit...

Narnia in Piss

Something I wanted to write for quite some time...when I flew here I watched the new Narnia movie on the plane...
There is something quite funny about it...when the retarded children come back to Narnia the filming location is Cathedral Cove on the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand...
A place where Ax, Simon, Scott and me swam out to the first big rock an pissed into the water (looking at the endless pacific ocean in front of us)...
So you can say, the beginning of the new Narnia movie was filmed in our piss ;)

P.S. the film is complete crap otherwise...
P.P.S. going to "the city" now to look at nice hippie areas ;)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2009 - 03 - 10 - Pendulum Concert in San Francisco!!!

Yesterday we went to the Pendulum concert in San Francisco. I just got to know them like 3 months ago and they were playing in SF while I am here. As you see below, the venue was awesome! The Gran Ballroom at the Regency Center, which was really a ballroom, with chandeliers and everything!

The concert was awesome!!! Many different kinds of people, who all had a very good time (sorry for the shitty pics btw, only had my iphone on me)

The people (and band) went totally crazy when they were playing SLAM, if you dont know it, youtube is your friend, you should check it out ;)

After the concert was finished (they played almost everything from the two albums as well as other things, like their awesome remix of prodigys voodoo people, my favorite!) we went to a diner to replenish our power ;) I went for an awesome burger, 12 oz., almost 350g of meat!!!
So I also got my real american diner experience now...

2009 - 03 - 09 - "The City", Pier 39, Chinatown...

San Francisco Port Clock tower

Awesome Black Angus Steak Sandwich at Quizzno


Alcatraz - The Rock

Awesome Sea Lions at Pier 39

2009 - 03 - 06,07,08 - Road Trippin' - Alameda, San Francisco, Point Reyes, Pacifica

You can find all pictures in picasa (click this picture ;)

Our road trip started quite cool, we visited the Nimitz air field in Alameda, full of awesome plane carriers and ohter ships ;)
Then we went to "the city" - San Francisco...aaaand found a IN-N-OUT burger !!!...well nice breakfast...but it cost us about $60, cause we were to cheap to feed the parkmeter properly (we came back 3min late...and had a $50 ticket on our windshield)...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

2009 - 03 - 05 Josh Blue at UC Berkeley

On my 2nd day in Berkeley, we went to a comedian named josh blue...
Awesomely funny guy! Always making fun of gays and cripples...well he is partially allowed to since he is "special" himself...he has cerebral palsy, which for all you uneducated people means he is a spastic ;)
Nevertheless, awesome show, very funny guy!
Check him out on YouTube!!!

P.s. Since the show was on the UC Berkeley campus, the gig was full of children...19, 20yr olds ;)

just on short notice...

i know how much you all like the pictures i am taking all over the world, and since i don't have that much time to write: here are a few new nice ones ;)

hot dogs from 7-eleven are tasty but not healthy for you colon...

in frisco we found the dudes heaven...

double cheseeburger and fries "animal style"

this was even worth a parking ticket (more info later)

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Next escape...

Yeah, i am finally away from germany again ;)
right now i am sitting in the bed in axels room in berkeley, ca in the united states! 11:30 already, we should start doing something soon...
i arrived yesterday around 1pm at san francisco airport..getting into the states is really much easier than i though, or everyone told me...besides standing in line it took me around 3 minutes ;)

and really...everything here is totally clichelike and much bigger than in buildings, cars, people (big meaning fat ;) oh and the squirrels are twice as big as in germany...which is slightly weird ;)

okay, time to start the day, which would likely mean running through berkeley for me...

p.s. flying to the states in comparison to new zealand is a joke, an 11h flight...ts ts ts...oh, and flying over the arctic rocks big time!!!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Concert weekend - between the two best cities in Germany

Been watching gigs of bloc party and kings of leon 10 days ago...
Bloc party is awesome live!!! Period!

Kings of leon were kinda...strange...the singer didn't interact with the audience at all...and the audience itself was also very...female and weird...they went totally crazy dancing at the slowest songs...
However, Berlin was nice...awesome currywurst at 1pm and cheap beer everywhere...
Even the house I lived in in east Berlin does still exist;)

But this weekend, kele won against caleb...BIG TIME!

Posted by ShoZu