Monday, March 16, 2009

Fuck paris, fuck Charles de Gaulle and rape Air france!!!

Yesterday, I made my way back from the states...until now I can just say one thing: never, ever if avoidable fly air France!!! In comparison to klm it was complete shut... Extremely little space, even for my small legs, bad food, ridicously small screens(like 4") and annoying French announcements...<br>
oh, and you're even more lucky if a frenchman sits next to you...they're impolite: mine asked me if he could sit at the window...fuck! I get my seat in advance on purpose!!! And don't think they're gonna share the middle armrest... Oh, btw my Frenchman also couldn't speak proper English (grande nation, my ass!) and he smelled really bad, even before takeoff!
The Paris airport is even worse... I think walked like a mile to get to my connecting flight...and people speaking that gaytarded language everywhere!!!

If the next flight attendant also starts speaking to me in French, I'll plan the next war!

P.S. the flight was also really well climatized...I have a fucking cold now!

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