Friday, February 06, 2009

I don't get people...

...who always sit right next to other people on the bus or train...even if the rest of the train is almost empty and has shitoads of free private spaces...
Why are they doing that? Didn't they get enough love and cuddling when they were little?
Or do they just not want to ride backwards?
However, having a nice bagback on the seat next to you always helps...
If not I can always play out good old tourettes syndrom ;)

Posted by ShoZu

1 comment:

RubySoho said...

das sind die selben leute, die an einem vollkommen leeren und sehr großen strand den sonnenschirm direkt vor dir ausbreiten.
hat meine spanischlehrerin sich heute drüber aufgeregt, du bist also nicht allein ;)