Monday, November 15, 2010

Living on a prayer...

Another weird thing here in japan...they really seem to LOVE Bon Jovi (you remember this band from the 80s, with the longhaired dudes who where like, we are sooo hard rock?)...
In EVERY store, restaurant or even on top of this sky tower you hear "it's my live", "bad medicine" or whatever other of their songs you could imagine....well at least someone still loves them ;)

Noch was freakiges hier in Japan...die scheinen wirklich Bon Jovi zu LIEBEN (ihr erinnert euch an diese Band aus den Achtzigern, mit den langhaarigen Typen, die so richtig hart waren?)...
In JEDEM Laden, Restaurant oder sogar auf dem Sky Tower hört man "it's my live", "bad medicine" oder wasauchimmer....naja, immerhin mag die noch irgendjemand;)

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